Jeremy Till

Occupational Hazards: Architectural Review

A short think piece on the 2011 Occupation movement and its relevance to architecture.

Scar(c)e Times

For Occupied Times, the journal of the occupation movement. On austerity contra scarcity

Constructed Scarcity

Very early thoughts from our Scarcity and Creativity project. Now looks rather crude.

The King is Dead!Long Live the Queen!

Short and a bit inconsequential riposte to Markus Miessen’s Nightmare of Participation.

The Intimate Inner

My contribution to Sarah Wigglesworth’s great book on our house, Stock Orchard Street. Outlines the tensions of being an architect-client.

Martin Centre: University of Cambridge

Scarcity Scares. Video here.

Tent City University

Ten Theses on Scarcity. A lecture given in a tent on the steps of St Pauls during the Occupy London Stock Exchange period. Vocal audience who gave not a jot about my professorial authority. Rightly. Podcast, with the atmosphere of the occupation, is here.

Spatial Agency: 2011: Routledge

With Nishat Awan and Tatjana Schneider. Out of the Spatial Agency project, the book provides supporting texts to the website. A summary of the issues is in our Architecture Today article, and an early review by Luke Butcher is here, plus nice ones in archidose and arquilecturas. A short excerpt (on ecological examples of spatial agency) was published in field. Winner 2011 RIBA President’s Award for Outstanding University based research.

The sucked bottom

This was a comment on the UK Government's White Paper on Higher Education from 2011. Corrects a few myths.

30% pledge

This explains some the background as to why I have pledged only to accept invitations to panels, conferences and so on where there is at least 30% representation from women.

NAi/Berlage Institute: Delft

Architecture Depends/Spatial Ethics. Video of the lecture is here.